Gay Couples Therapy

Gay Couples Therapy in New York City

We offer gay couples therapy, gay couples workshops, gay men's group therapy, and individual therapy for the LGBT community. We specialize in relationship issues, and work with many gay and lesbian couples in NYC. We can help you and your partner get your relationship back, and rekindle the love that initially brought you together.
Gay Couples Therapy NYC
Years Experience
0 +

What Results Can You Count On?

Specifically, you can your partner will learn how to:

  • Help each other shift conflicts into opportunities to become closer to each other
  • Rekindle the desire for passion, sex, and romance between you and your partner
  • Increase the safety in your connection to understand your own areas of sensitivity and clearly communicate what you need from each other
  • Support and build each others dreams, individually and in the relationship
  • Help each other heal from wounds in your relationship, and even past relationships to build trust.
How it works

How Does the Therapy Process Work?

What do you and your partner do to get started at the Loving at Your Best Plan for gay couples therapy in NYC?

1. Assessment Phase

  •  One conjoint assessment session
  • One individual assessment session with each partner
  •  One conjoint assessment/feedback session. You work together with your therapist to set specific goals based on the patterns and themes in your relationship


2. Intervention Phase


3. Conclusion Phase

  • Conclusion sessions. When your patterns have shifted from negativity to security, and your sensitivities are healing, you’ll work together with your therapist to consolidate your growth and gains you’ve made and conclude your work together.

We work intensively with you during the sessions to help you significantly improve your love relationship outside of the office.